We love Tesla. It has been at the forefront of the electric car revolution and done more than any car company to promote the advantages of going electric. But there’s a fine line between love and hate. And we need to get a few things off our chests. There are things that Tesla just needs to do better, and if you are one of the thousands of drivers who are just about to take delivery of a new Model 3 or Y, you need to be prepared.
1: Build quality
If you’ve followed Tesla over the years, you’ll know that the subject of poor build quality has never really gone away. Teething problems on new cars are, of course, not just a Tesla problem, but even now, five years after the first Model 3s were delivered to customers, we’re still hearing stories of wonky panels, patchy paintwork and dodgy welding. We’ve seen it on our own cars and the Tesla’s we’ve borrowed for reviews. And we know from chats with owners that it’s a real issue. And it’s just not good enough.