We know that living with an electric car is a lot different to driving one for a few hours and handing the keys back. The nature of car reviewing means that when we get behind the wheel of a new electric car, we often have just a few hours to form an opinion. That’s why we’re running a fleet of new electric cars that we live with for a much longer period. Some are the prized possessions of the Electrifying.com team, others are leased and others are supplied by car manufacturers on extended loans. Our long term reviews allow us to experience the highs and lows of owning a particular car. We discover, for example, what fluctuations in range it will have in cold weather, experience the delights and disappointments of manufacturer aftercare and of course get the perfect picture on how efficient they are. But we don’t want to do this on our own. If you have a similar car to ours, let us know your experiences. Each author has an email link, so please get in touch and tell us how ownership is working out for you. We’d love to hear from you.
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