Is your electric car really green? Our experts scrutinise car makers' environmental efforts
We all know that electric cars are key to 'clearing the air' by not having any emissions from an exhaust pipe. But are they really green once the energy used to manufacture them has been taken into account?
The carbon footprint of a car starts when it is built, before the owner even sits in the driver’s seat for the first time.
Car buyers are already expressing concerns around the sustainability of electric cars, with a recent Electrifying.com survey showing that more than half of all people who don’t yet own an electric car are worried about the environmental impact of how they are manufactured. Electrifying.com’s experts believe this will become the subject of increased scrutiny, not just by consumers but also government law makers as we all try to reduce the impact of motoring on the environment.
To help highlight the issue, Electrifying.com has assembled a panel of experts to assess, scrutinise and rate car manufacturers, awarding those who have a strong story to tell in this area. The panel consists of Vice Chairman and CEO of Switch Mobility Andy Palmer, UK Future Mobility Lead at Ernst & Young Charlie Simpson and Associate Professor and Engineer at Birmingham City University Laura Leyland.
The first of the new consumer friendly Green Hero awards will honour both Nissan and BMW, who the panel said showed true commitment to reducing the environmental impact of cars at every life stage - from production, through use and eventually in disposal. Our expert judges noted that both companies have a long history of pioneering in the field of electric vehicles, with a ‘joined up’ approach across the organisation showing real depth of thought into reducing the impact of their manufacturing on the environment.
Andy Palmer said: “In a world of spin and greenwashing, it’s great to work with Electrifying.com to clarify, demystify and reward companies really making a difference. Moving the fleet to EV is just one step to achieving net zero carbon and eliminating the automotive industries impact on Mother Earth. Well done to our two winners.”
Founder and CEO of Electrifying.com Ginny Buckley said: “From the food we buy to the cars we drive, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of their carbon footprint. Our new Green Hero award will help consumers looking for clarity in this area. ”