Reviewed by 
Tom Barnard
The Go Zero Optimus is a perfectly acceptable charger which has a hidden ability to earn its keep. Firstly, and most importantly, it can be fitted by any homeowner and will do the job of charging your car well. It’s reasonably priced too and has most of the tech you would want. But just using like this would mean you’d be missing out on the Go Zero’s clever and unique feature.
Using the slick app, you can remotely lock the Optimus and make it behave like a public charge point. This could mean you can rent out the space on your driveway, but is more likely to be attractive to owners of restaurants, hotels, holiday rentals and B&Bs. Many of these businesses will still be able to access a government grant of £350 to help with installation.
The unit itself is a little bigger than a sheet of A4, with dimensions of 340mm high, 200mm wide and 116mm deep. The actual plug is hidden on the side of the unit and an LED logo on the front lights up to show the changing status. A tethered 5m cable is only an extra £30, but might not be the best choice for businesses.
Reviewed by 
Tom Barnard
If you are a business owner or just fancy earning some cash from your chargerless neighbours, the Go Zero Optimus has the unique ability to behave like a public charger, with Go Zero looking after all the payments. It’s very clever and easy to use.The charger itself has all the features you’d want too, including a solar integration.
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