Something spooky happened to the Astra this morning. I locked it up to go to a meeting, came out and the car was unlocked. I know it was locked because the car does it automatically when you walk away, giving you a little 'cheep cheep' noise to let you know it has happened. I thought that only happened in TV shows these days, but Vauxhall has brought it back. I don't mind it during the day, but it sounds super LOUD at night when you are trying to sneak in without disturbing the neighbours.
Anyway, it was locked. But then unlocked, and not in the normal way it does as you approach the car. Then I sat in it and it wouldn't recognise the key. After a few minutes of prodding and asking advice of some tech types at the venue, it just started, randomly. We can only think it was aliens, unless anyone else has any ideas? The car park was secure so it wasn't anyone naughty trying to steal it.
Talking of naughty, There are lots of claims about the Astra's efficiency, and Tom Barnard reckons the Vauxhall is one of the most efficient cars you can buy. My experience isn't this will be interesting. In the press pack I was given, Vauxhall reckon I should get about 4.2 miles per kWh. I find this hard to believe if I’m honest. I’ve been averaging about 3.8, even in the milder autumn temperatures. So that 256 mile official range may be SLIGHTLY off... *awkward face*. As it stands, in 10 degree weather, it’ll be around 200-220. Let's see what the winter months bring ey?

Power - perfectly fine for this car. It’ll do 0-62 in 9.2 seconds in Sport mode. This isn’t a sports car (even if its been designed to look slightly sporty). This is a family estate (sorry, long boi) car. You don’t need anything faster than this. It can overtake when you need, it builds up speed on the motorway pretty well, it takes corners pretty achieves everything you need it to - er, pretty well.
One irritation though - to flit between the modes you need to press a button in the centre console. I've no issue with that, but I do with the piano black which surrounds it. I just don't understand why car makers use it. Within seconds it looks dirty and scratches over time too, especially in a well-used location like this.
So far, so ok. Perfectly ok. Adequate. Absolutely fine. Middle of the road. Regular. Average. But the question is - is an ok, mediocre, non-exciting, normal car worth £46,160?! We’ve got a few months to figure it out.